电视剧神奇动物管理员 第三季

神奇动物管理员 第三季


  • 片名:神奇动物管理员 第三季
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Noel/Fielding/Julian/Barratt/Dave/Brown/Rich/Fulcher/Michael/Fielding/
  • 导演:Paul/King/Steve/Bendelack/
  • 年份:2007
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:欧美剧/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 豆瓣:神奇动物管理员 第三季
  • 简介:  Whilst Naboo and Bollo go on the head shamans stag party, Howard and Vince are left in charge of the "Nabootique". Howard tries to sell some elbow patches and Vince gets lots of money from his celebrity radar. The Hitcher then appears demanding one thousand Euros as part of a protection racket and tells the story of how he used to go to the shop when it was a shop selling eels. He then comes back and gets shot but is then saved by a survival elbow patch stolen earlier from Howard which is bullet proof and decides not to kill Howard and Vince. Written by www.2kyb.com
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首页电视剧欧美剧神奇动物管理员 第三季


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简介:《神奇动物管理员 第三季》(英文名:shenqidongwuguanliyuandisanji,又名:暂无)是Paul,King,Steve,Bendelack导演的一部欧美剧类型的电视剧作品,发行于2007年的英国地区,由Noel,Fielding,Julian,Barratt,Dave,Brown,Rich,Fulcher,Michael,Fielding等倾情出演。西瓜影院为大家提供神奇动物管理员 第三季免费电视剧在线观看,支持手机和电脑多端免费流畅播放,现更新至已完结。

剧情:  Whilst Naboo and Bollo go on the head shamans stag party, Howard and Vince are left in charge of the "Nabootique". Howard tries to sell some elbow patches and Vince gets lots of money from his celebrity radar. The Hitcher then appears demanding one thousand Euros as part of a protection racket and tells the story of how he used to go to the shop when it was a shop selling eels. He then comes back and gets shot but is then saved by a survival elbow patch stolen earlier from Howard which is bullet proof and decides not to kill Howard and Vince. Written by www.2kyb.com

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