电影Virus 32'

Virus 32'


  • 片名:Virus 32'
  • 状态:1080P
  • 主演:埃斯特班·拉莫思/Malena/Sánchez/Sofía/González/
  • 导演:古斯塔沃·埃尔南德斯/
  • 年份:2022
  • 地区:阿根廷
  • 类型:恐怖片/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:西班牙语
  • 豆瓣:Virus 32'
  • 简介:A virus breaks out and a chilling massacre rages through the streets of Montevideo. The sick become hunters, and only calm their fever by unscrupulously killing all those not yet infected. Unaware of this, Iris and her daughter spend the day in the sports club where Iris works as a security guard. When the night comes a fight without mercy is about to begin. The ironly hope of salvation arrives when they discover that after each attack the infected seem to have 32 seconds of peace before charging again.
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    简介:《Virus 32'》(英文名:Virus32,又名:暂无)是古斯塔沃·埃尔南德斯导演的一部恐怖片类型的电影作品,发行于2022年的阿根廷地区,由埃斯特班·拉莫思,Malena,Sánchez,Sofía,González等倾情出演。西瓜影院为大家提供Virus 32'免费电影在线观看,支持手机和电脑多端免费流畅播放,现更新至1080P。

    剧情:A virus breaks out and a chilling massacre rages through the streets of Montevideo. The sick become hunters, and only calm their fever by unscrupulously killing all those not yet infected. Unaware of this, Iris and her daughter spend the day in the sports club where Iris works as a security guard. When the night comes a fight without mercy is about to begin. The ironly hope of salvation arrives when they discover that after each attack the infected seem to have 32 seconds of peace before charging again.

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